5 Reasons to Choose a Concrete Floating Dock for your Home or Marina

Pedestrian Safety

The footing on NordiDock concrete floating docks always feels solidly safe. Nonskid surfaces allow for confident movement when boaters are juggling awkward objects into and out of their craft. Heavy floating sections mean that the dock stays level and solid-feeling, rising and falling with the tides.

The connecting units on NordiDock concrete floating docks are built to ensure that no voids develop at the joint between two dock pieces. This is crucial for the safe use of dock carts and other marina equipment.

Finally, the 34,000 lb weight of a 50-foot section of NordiDock concrete dock means that it will stay solid as a rock when struck by high waters and storm winds. Photographic evidence in the wake of Hurricane Sandy shows that concrete floating docks withstood the forces of the storm better than docks constructed from any other materials. From now on, it looks likely that new dock construction in the states of New Jersey, New York, Connecticut and Massachusetts will need to take serious future storms into consideration.

Boat Safety

Since NordiDock dock sections float with 24 inches of freeboard, the lines will always stay fixed at their original tension. Floating docks put an end to the calculation of how much extra line is needed to compensate for rising and falling tides, and boats moored close to each other won’t suffer damage from slack lines. Boat owners can also feel confident placing their bumpers, knowing that there won’t be any problems when the tide changes.

Longer life-span than wood

When you pay for the construction of a new dock, you expect it to be a long-lasting, durable structure. The fact is, though, that wooden docks require almost constant upkeep. Concrete is an inert material that barely deteriorates over time, and a floating concrete dock will actually require 90% less maintenance than wood. The concrete structure is non-flammable and will not rot or corrode.

Serious environmental advantages over wood docks

There are no wooden components requiring chemical preservative treatment, so a floating concrete dock does not release toxins into the water. As a matter of fact, concrete is so benign to the health of marine organisms that the port authorities in Georgia actually installed specially configured concrete panels at their public docks in order to foster a healthy community of marine organisms.

Easy customization

Because floating concrete docks are modular, they can be configured to whatever specifications your site demands. Attachment to anchors or pilings can easily be designed, taking into account the unique exposure of your marina to wind and wave action. Furthermore, utility conduits are incorporated into the construction at the beginning, so that electrical lines and cables remain securely and permanently housed in the concrete.